Monday, January 29, 2018

The World's a Risky Place

The world can be a risky place. When you feel like people are constantly out to trick or harm you. Paranoia is the irrational and persistent feeling that people are ‘out to get you’ or that you are the subject of persistent, intrusive attention by others. This unfounded mistrust of others can make it difficult for a person to function socially or have close relationships. While there is no absolute cure for the conditions that cause paranoia, treatment can help the person cope with their symptoms and live a happier, more productive life.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Boys at Play

Fishing trips and Summer fun
Climbing trees – shooting guns,
This and more is what we shared. 
Once that weird kid down the street, 
but you became my best bro.
I just wanted to let you know. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Mixing Colors

I capture life’s adventures
be they happy, sad, or gray
on a lovely rainbow canvas,
I add colors to each day.
Red is for my passion.
Orange brings out the sun.
Yellow reflects wander days
I go walking just for fun.
Green becomes my touchstone
to measure growth, and change.
Shades of blue are what I choose
to display my hurt or pain.
On life’s palette I mix colors
with the most courageous hues.
I try to show a different side –
my own personal point of view.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

One Lone Songbird

My grandmother told me once that when somebody breaks your heart you think you've lost the whole world as well, but that's not the way things turn out in the end. Eventually, you pick yourself up and once you do you see the beauty that was there before the world ended is still waiting for you. Shedding tears helps wash away the pain.