Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Under the full moon
a lone silver cloud,
edged like a razor,
floats across the sky.
Within the shadows
I stand crouched low waiting.  
Whispering your name,
salty hot tears now
trailing down my cheeks.
My sad memories are filled
with bits of ugly truth.
Shielding me from this –
I am your prisoner.
 You are remorseless.
As the needle permeates skin
my trembling hands
pop the balloon.
Sliding down heaven's dark rim
a sultry arousing passion
shatters me beyond repair.
You are there
watching me nod.

Just a Kiss

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Our Heart Calms the Storm...

"Heart" in this case is used to represent the things we feel without considering rationally.  When we listen with our hearts, the stress and worries we create in our minds lose their power. Instead, we begin to find our natural groove. When we listen with our hearts, it is easy to decipher what is true and what is fiction.  This is where deep understanding comes from.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Living on Borrowed Time

This year I noticed patterns - new life arriving and many lives being tragically lost. There is no rhyme or reason to many of these events, but a friend had it right when he said, "None of us get out of here alive"...

We will all meet this same fate one way or another. If we can come to terms with this, we can really live. Acceptance is the key to living and dying well.